Olivia Newton-John hopes fans will get "something positive" out of "Don't Stop Believin'," her new autobiography | Oldies 107.9
Oldies 107.9

Olivia Newton-John hopes fans will get “something positive” out of “Don't Stop Believin',” her new autobiography

Gallery Books

Gallery BooksImagine watching Grease for the first time, with Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta, on John Travolta’s private plane.  It happened to Olivia’s husband, and it’s one of the many fun stories you’ll find in her new autobiography, Don’t Stop Believin’.

The book, which was published today, details Olivia’s childhood, her rise to stardom, her relationships, her activism, her cancer battle and the truth about her health. Spoiler alert: She’s not dying.

“I heard they were gonna do a movie of my life and I wasn’t really involved in it, and I thought, ‘Well, I’d better write a book just in case they get it wrong!'” she laughs. “It wasn’t like I suddenly thought, ‘I’d better write it all down.’ But once I got going, it was really a very interesting process and brought up some great memories.”

The Aussie icon tells ABC Radio she wants the book to make fans “feel good.”

“I want them to be entertained,” she says. “I want them to enjoy the read and know a little bit more about me…I hope they’re moved in some way, and that they get something positive out of it.”

Speaking of positivity, Olivia’s happy about the decision she made last year to release a video quashing rumors of her impending death.

“I’m really glad I did it because it stopped them in their tracks!” she laughs. “I mean, they had me dead! And I thought that the best way to attack this is [to] let them know I’m fine.”

As far as Olivia’s next move, she ssys, “I really have no desire at the moment to work or do anything in the genres that I’ve done before. I think it is a new era for me.”

Going forward, she plans to focus on her Cancer Wellness & Research Centre in Melbourne, and work to get medical cannabis legalized in Australia.

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