Hannah Ammerman, a third- and fourth-grade teacher at Steele Lane Elementary School in Santa Rosa City Schools District, has been named Sonoma County Teacher of the Month for November 2021.
The monthly award honors one of Sonoma County’s most outstanding teachers from October through May. It is sponsored by the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE), K-Hits 107.9, HOT 101.7, and Community First Credit Union (CFCU).
“So many teachers have stepped up in incredible ways to support students and families during these unprecedented times,” said Steven D. Herrington, Sonoma County Superintendent of Schools. “The Teacher of the Month program this year seeks to honor, support, and thank those teachers who have given so much of themselves and sacrificed so much to support students during the pandemic.”
Mrs. Ammerman received a touching nomination from an appreciative parent. She was described as an accommodating and empathetic teacher who parents and students want as a forever teacher.
“When my daughter announced to the class something embarrassing, she took over and made sure there was absolutely no bullying and the kids treated it with understanding and empathy. She is always in contact with parents, keeping us in the loop, letting us know if our student had a tough day at school. She fosters such a sense of community in the classroom,” the nomination read.
Mrs. Ammerman was surprised with the honor by representatives from SCOE and K-Hits 107.9/HOT 101.7 on Monday, Dec. 13, during her class instruction. She and her students were thrilled by the unexpected celebratory interruption. Mrs. Ammerman accepted the recognition with excitement and delight. She let the representatives know that her students are the reason she loves teaching. Mrs. Ammerman was given a special plaque and a $500 gift card for teacher resources and supplies as part of the recognition.
Learn more and nominate a special teacher in your life by going to www.sonomacountyteacher.com